Newbury Volunteer Fire Department Inc.
The Newbury Volunteer Fire Department Inc. protects 25 square miles with approximately 5,500 residents. Newbury Township is mostly a rural area with commercial, industrial, and professional businesses.
Currently, we are going thru a transition phase, from an all-volunteer fire department, to a 24 hrs. per day/7 days per week/365 days per year, staffed department.
The fire station is located on the south side of St. Route 87 just east of Auburn Road. With a newly renovated 11,700 square foot existing building, and a 6,200 square foot addition, we house 2 advanced life support rescue squads, a pumper/rescue, pumper/tanker, 75' aerial ladder, 1 ton first responder, a 3/4 ton pickup truck grass unit, 6x6 Polaris Ranger, and a rescue boat.
Our updated building has offices, a kitchen with dining room, meeting/training room, day room, fitness room, dormitories, laundry room, shower rooms, locker room, gear room, study room and a communications/radio room.
We have responded to 121 calls so far this year, and 914 calls in 2024. We provide Fire and EMS services to our community. Our members participate in the county wide dive/rescue/recovery team, and the multi-county tanker shuttle program.