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Name: Maureen Finnerty
Date: 06/25/2013
Message: I want to thank you for all of your help with my dad...Farrell Finnerty. It is because of your hard work that I can share time with my dad today.

Name: Missy
Date: 06/23/2013
Message: Hello, I wanted to thank all of you fire men and women for the job you are doing,it really is a hard job. You people are awesome,your the best! Missy

Name: Chief Alan McGinn
Date: 09/10/2012
Message: Townsend Township Fire Dept. P.O. BOX 93 Collins, Ohio 44826 Was just looking at your web page for some ideas, You guys have done an excellent job.

Name: Julie Adamik DeWalt
Date: 06/29/2012
Message: My father was a volunteer fire fighter for Newbury back in the early 1960's. I have some photographs of the equipment and other firefighters at that time. Please let me know if you would be interested in copies. I'd be happy to email them to you.

Name: Jim Cillian
Date: 09/28/2011
Message: Hey guys, its time for pics. from 2011. Be Safe!!

Name: Dave Reeves
Date: 09/08/2011
Message: Stay Safe

Name: Author Joel Goulet
Date: 12/11/2010
Message: Hello from Wausau, WI. USA. You have a well done site. Thank you for being firefighters. Stay safe and have a great day.

Name: Ed Sternfelt
Date: 08/11/2010
Message: Hello,this is the Newbury,Mass. fire dept.! we are a volunteer dept as well!

Name: David Fink
Date: 05/06/2010
Message: Was checking out the web site. Very Nice. David Fink Eastern Regional Sales Manager American LaFrance LLC.

Name: John L. Pritchard
Date: 04/01/2009
Message: Good to see you are taking care of my old home town! Thank you,

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Newbury Volunteer Fire Department
11111 Kinsman Rd.
P.O. Box 255
Newbury, Ohio 44065
Non-Emergency Phone: 440-564-2261
Chief's Email: